This article discusses the Donation Tradition that occurs in each region according to Islamic law. The purpose of this research is to find out the traditions of wedding donations and the traditions of wedding donations according to Islamic law. In this research, the researcher used the method used in this research, namely the library research method (library review), using a normative approach, the data sources used were primary data and secondary data in the form of theses, the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and literature books. related to research problems. The data obtained is presented neatly and in detail. The results of this research show that: the tradition of donations is asking for what has been donated back, by recording it, or reprimanding it because it is not in accordance with what was previously given, and also feeling bad if you don't return it. So the tradition of wedding donations becomes Accounts Payable. Asking for what has been given back. According to Imam Al-Baghowi, he believes that the Imam Syafi'i school of thought is that a definite gift does not require a replacement or return, whether it is a gift to a friend or neighbor. Because asking for a gift that has been given back is like a dog licking back its vomit. Therefore, please help yourself with kindness and piety.
Keywords: Donations, Marriage, and Islamic Law.