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  • Siti Sundariah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Nahdlatul Ulama Nusantara Tangerang
  • Sholihin Shobroni Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Nahdlatul Ulama Nusantara Tangerang



Broadly speaking the bride sawer tradition is done after the marriage ceremony, the bride and groom sit in a chair that is kept in front of the bride's house which is witnessed by hundreds of pairs of eyes. The place used for the sawer ceremony is an open place commonly called the "panyaweran" place. The ceremony of the sawer begins with saying the consent of Kabul by the writer, then proceed with the singing of poetry / poetry sawer. The saweran tradition is a procession of giving advice to the bride and groom that is sung by singing. The development of Islam has always been linked to certain geographical or localized conditions. Where Islam is always able to accommodate all aspects of life in it, including in dealing with local culture. One of Sundanese culture that is very closely related to the teachings of Islamic Law and dam is the songs that are very interesting to study, such as the songs of bridal sawers. This is evidence of Sundanese Islamic style wrapped in local culture. Thus the Islamization of Sundanese land was carried out peacefully, there was no attempt to force one another between the interests of one group and another. The purpose of writing is to know about the meaning of the saweran tradition, find out what are the various ceremonies / processions of Sundanese traditional wedding and know how to review Islamic law on the saweran tradition in Sundanese traditional marriage. The research method used is a qualitative methodology, where the qualitative method emphasizes the observation of phenomena and examines the substance of the meaning of the phenomena.


Kayword:          Saweran Tradition, Sundanese Indigenous Marriage Procession and Islamic Law.


