Islamic law does not yet have definite provisions regarding marriage agreements through electronic media because this case is a case of ijtihadiyah that is not contained in the Qur'an and hadiths. Long-distance marriages have a historical foundation that has seized the attention of previous' scholars. Around 1989 Indonesia was made tantrum by the news of marriage by telephone. Nowadays, with the development of time and technology, which is far closer and further closer to the existence of internet channels, anything can be done especially marriage. Internet marriages are more or less the same as marriages done over the telephone. It's just that the internet is more sophisticated with technology, with the help of visualization of images that look better than the telephone network that is not known by the face of the speaker. In general, the wisdom of marriage via the internet is the same as the wisdom of marriage using ordinary (conventional) channels. It's just that technically it makes a difference, marriage through internet can reach long distances, can be used by those who are far apart from the place, while ordinary marriage is only used by those who are close to each other. Marriage through electronic media is legal. Marriage through electronic media is considered legal, because what is categorized as one majlis is there is a continuity of time between consent and Kabul is not required the presence of the bride and groom in one contract.
Kayword: Marriage, Electronic Media, and Maqashid Shari