This article aims to dissect KH's sharia economic thinking. Ma'ruf Amin and its relevance to economic law in Indonesia. The method used in this research is library research, namely by referring to primary and secondary sources in the form of books, journals, scientific papers, regarding KH's sharia economic thought. Ma'ruf Amin. The approach used in this research is a structuralism approach, namely an approach that examines the structure of texts, in this case the texts that represent KH's thoughts. Ma'ruf Amin on Sharia Economics. The results of this research show that first, the concept of Sharia Economics KH. Ma'ruf Amin consists of three principles, namely justice, community and sovereignty. These three concepts are interrelated to create community prosperity. First, economic justice is based on a moral economy which has the spirit of religious values (shariah economics), humanity and social justice. Second, public economics, which means the spirit of people's economics (economic democracy) so that it is on the side of the people. Third, the principle of economic sovereignty, containing the spirit of economic nationalism which upholds the principle of independence and empowering the weak to have competitive power. Second, the concept offered by KH. Ma'ruf Amin in resolving sharia economic law issues, namely; al-taysir al-manhaji, Revitalization of Tahqiq al-Manath, I'adah al-Nazhar, and Tafriq al-Halal min al-Haram, are considered useful and have relevance for the development of economic law in Indonesia, especially in sharia economic law. Where, the government has begun to demonstrate clear policies related to the development of the sharia economy.
Keywords: KH. Ma'ruf Amin, Sharia Economics, and the Relevance of Concepts.